Etherbone C Library =================== A library that can be used for communicating with a remote device. Using the etherbone “library” ============================= You can take the ``csr.h`` file out from LiteX and use it directly on your PC for development. 1. Create an empty directory where the program will live. 2. Create a directory called ``generated``, and copy ``csr.h`` from ``build/software/include/generated/csr.h`` into this directory. 3. Create a ``main.c`` with the following output: .. code:: cpp #include #include #include #include "etherbone.h" #include "generated/csr.h" static struct eb_connection *eb; uint32_t csr_readl(unsigned long addr) { return eb_read32(eb, addr); } void csr_writel(uint32_t val, unsigned long addr) { eb_write32(eb, val, addr); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { eb = eb_connect("", "1234", 0); if (!eb) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't connect\n"); exit(1); } // You can now access registers from csr.h. E.g.: fprintf(stderr, "Version: %d\n", version_major_read()); return 0; } 4. Compile this with ``gcc -ggdb3 etherbone.c main.c -o test-program -DCSR_ACCESSORS_DEFINED -I. -Wall``